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Create More Than You Consume

Creation > Consumption

As an artist, as a creator, as a maker of things—You shouldn’t use social media less because it’s “bad” for you.

You should use it less because there comes a point when you begin to consume more than you create.

You may begin to feel that your creativity is starting to stale. But that’s not true. The truth is you’re not allowing yourself to be bored.

As a creator, your boredom is your superpower.

Last night, I decided to delete Twitter from my phone & set my phone to greyscale for this very reason.

Take it from the mind that architected Tinder —the top grossing app of all time.

Brian Norgard Tweet

Let’s imagine that you’re playing with LEGOs.

Constant consumption is like getting a brand new box of LEGOs, every minute, and pouring all the pieces onto your lap.

When you pause your consumption, you’re left with the pieces that you have available.

There are no new shiny pieces coming in. You’re bored. But now, you have the time and space to create new shapes, new figures, and new monuments from the pieces at your disposal.

Create more than you consume.

Go create.

(This post went viral on Hacker News with 30+ upvotes & 3000+ views the day I published it. Very proud of myself for that 😊)