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Small Bets

I like Daniel Vassallo’s idea on taking “small bets.”

Calling it a small bet downplays the ambitious plan in your mind— kind of like a trojan horse.

Your mind is more receptive to taking a “small” bet. So you’ll be more likely to at least start. And starting is more than half the battle. Once you start, you build momentum. And with momentum, it’s harder to stop or even sabotage yourself to stop.

Taking a small bet is all about getting to the point where you have momentum.

My Small Bet

On that note, I want to take a small bet.

My small bet will be writing and publishing something everyday.

My system will be as follows:

  • Daily, I jot down quick thoughts and ideas in Apple Notes.
  • 1-3x Daily, I write and expand those thoughts in my blog.
  • Every other day, I tweet using ideas from my blog.
  • 1-2x week, I write for my product newsletter.

I’m taking this small bet for the next few months (at least until I graduate in June-July) in order to:

  • grow people’s trust in my character
  • get all my good ideas out into the world
  • get all my shitty ideas out of my head
  • building my creating/shipping muscles
  • connect with more like-minded people
  • get over my fear of publishing (rejection)

PS: Luckily, my system for jotting down thoughts everyday will make this a lot easier :)

A screen recording of my daily thoughts in Apple Notes